Byerly, P, RC Lonsinger, LP Waits. In advanced preparation. Resource partitioning between sympatric carnivores: a comparison of historic and contemporary dietary overlap. Journal of Mammalogy.
Dempsey, SJ, EM Gese, BM Kluever, RC Lonsinger, LP Waits. In review. Using anoninvasive survey technique to develop species distribution model for a rare desert carnivore. PLoS One.
Lonsinger, RC, EM Gese, LP Waits. In review. Evaluating the reliability of field identification and morphometric classifications for carnivore scats confirmed with genetic analysis. Wildlife Society Bulletin.
Lonsinger, RC, EM Gese,SJ Dempsey, BM Kluever, TR Johnson, LP Waits. 2015. Balancing sample accumulation and DNA degradation rates to optimize noninvasive genetic sampling of sympatric carnivores. Molcular Ecology Resources.
Lonsinger, RC, RM Schweizer, JP Pollinger, RK Wayne, GW Roemer. In press. Fine-scale genetic structure of the ringtail (Bassariscus astutus) in a sky island mountain range. Journal of Mammalogy.
Lonsinger, RC. 2012. Inventory and Monitoring of Ringtails (Bassariscus astutus) in City of Rocks National Reserve: An Area Which May Represent a Significant Northerly Range Expansion. Final Report to the National Park Service. 65pp.
Lonsinger, RC, A Annis, M Beck. 2012. Shoshone Field Office Pygmy Rabbit Surveys, Idaho. Final Report to the Bureau of Land Management. 77pp.
RC. 2011.
Chytrid Fungus and Amphibian Ranavirus Surveys within the Bureau of Land
Management’s Burley Field Office. Progress Report to the Bureau of Land
Management. 39pp.
RC, BA Johnson,
DD Gilbert. 2011. Shoshone Field Office Herpetological Surveys, Idaho: Craters
of the Moon National Monument and Preserve. Progress Report to the Bureau of
Land Management. 87pp.
Barrett, J,
RC Lonsinger, SE Askew, K Oelrich, R Smith. 2011. Columbia Spotted Frog
and Boreal Toad Inventory in the Bureau of Land Management Burley Field Office,
South-Central Idaho. Final Report to the Bureau of Land Management. 84pp.
RC. 2011.
Inventory and Monitoring of Ringtails (Bassariscus astutus) Through
Adaptive Cluster Sampling in City of Rocks National Reserve, an Area Which May
Represent a Significant Northerly Range Expansion. National Park Service Investigator’s
Annual Report, 3pp.
SE Askew. 2010. Reptiles and Amphibians: A Survey of the Bureau of Land
Management Shoshone Field Office. Final Report to the Bureau of Land
Management. 115pp.
Lonsinger, RC, SE Askew. 2010. Reptiles and Amphibians: A Survey of the Bureau of Land Management Shoshone Field Office. Final Report to the Bureau of Land Management. 115pp.
Lonsinger, RC. 2010. Fine scale genetic structure driven by habitat dependent selection. M.S. Thesis, New Mexico State University.
Lonsinger, RC. 2010. Mesilla Valley Bosque State Park: Mammalian Species Monitoring and Inventory. Final report to the New Mexico State Parks Division. 7pp.
Lonsinger, RC, GW Roemer. 2009. Carlsbad Caverns and Guadalupe Mountains National Parks: The development of habitat and corridor suitability models as a test of landscape connectivity within the Chihuahuan Desert Network. Final report to the National Park Service. 15 pp.
Facka, AN, RC Lonsinger, GW Roemer. 2008. Estimates of population size of Gunnison‟s prairie dogs in the Aubrey Valley, Arizona based on a new monitoring approach. Final report to the Arizona Game and Fish Department. 26 pp.
King, C, J Broecher, A Siniawski, RC Lonsinger, J Pebworth, WE Van Pelt. 2005. Results of the 2004 Black-footed Ferret Release Effort in Aubrey Valley, Arizona. Arizona Game and Fish Department, Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program Technical Report. 20pp.
Recent Professional Affiliations
- Idaho Section of The Wildlife Society
- South Magic Valley Sage-Grouse Local Working Group Facilitator/SAC Representative
- Sigma Xi, The National Research Honor Society
- The American Society of Mammalogists
- The Wildlife Society
- Biological Diversity Working Group
- Molecular Ecology Working Group